
Summit Utilities Arkansas Legal Notice

On January 25, 2024, Summit Utilities Arkansas, Inc. (“Company”) filed with the Arkansas Public Service Commission (“Commission”) in Docket No. 23-079-U, an application for a general change or modification in the rates, charges and tariffs of the Company for its Arkansas customers. This rate increase is necessary for the Company to maintain its current quality of service and to remain financially sound and viable, both in terms of its present fiscal integrity and in terms of investors’ willingness to maintain their current investment and commit funds for the Company’s growth and investment in plant.  

The total amount of the requested rate increase is $104.7 million, currently expected to become effective in November, 2024.  The amount and effective date of the requested rate increase may also be affected by the final order of the Commission.  The amounts of the proposed dollar increase (decrease) and percentage increase (decrease) for each customer class are as follows:

TotalResidential Small Commercial (SCS-1) Small Commercial (SCS-2) Small Commercial (SCS-3) Large Commercial
Revenue Increase$104,679,427$79,787,483$17,984,098$0$0$6,907,847
% Non-Gas Revenues59.7%61.9%51.1%0%0%65.3%
% of Total Revenues25.5%29.3%14.6%0%0%61.1%


The present monthly customer charges and unit prices for each class of customer for each major rate classification are as follows:

Residential (RS-1): 
Monthly Customer Charge$11.00
Plus Distribution Rate$0.46369 per Ccf for 1st 15 Ccf
$0.37410 per Ccf for over 15 Ccf
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service (SCS-1): 
SSO Option: 
Monthly Customer Charge$14.98
Plus Distribution Rate$0.17491 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.13230 per Ccf for 1,501 – 15,000 Ccf
$0.05671 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Monthly Customer Charge$14.98
Plus Distribution Rate$1.72144 for 1st 150 MMBtu
$1.30199 per MMBtu for 151 – 1,500 MMBtu
$0.55816 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88.00
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service—Off Peak (SCS-2): 
SSO Option: 
Distribution Rate$0.24927 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.13718 per Ccf for next 13,500 Ccf
$0.05881 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Plus Distribution Rate$2.45316 for 1st 150 MMBtu
$1.35013 per MMBtu for next 1,350 MMBtu
$0.57880 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service – NGV (SCS-3): 
SSO Option: 
Monthly Customer Charge$17.13
Plus Distribution Rate$0.19993 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.15122 per Ccf for next 13,500 Ccf
$0.06483 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf 
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Monthly Customer Charge$17.13
Plus Distribution Rate$1.96767 for 1st 150 MMBtu
$1.48823 per MMBtu for next 1,350 MMBtu
$0.63799 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu 
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Large Commercial Firm Service (LCS-1): 
Monthly Customer Charge$300.70
Distribution Demand Charge$8.31165 per MMBtu of CD up to 400 MMBtu of CD
$1.28424 per MMBtu of CD over 400 MMBtu of CD
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88 per month
Plus All Applicable Riders 
Unmetered Gas Light Firm Sales Service (GL-1):
To be charged in accordance with rate schedule otherwise applicable


The proposed unit prices and customer charges for each class of customer or each major rate classification are as follows:

Residential (RS-1): 
Monthly Customer Charge$18.25
Plus Distribution Rate$0.76659 per Ccf for 1st 15 Ccf
$0.61847 per Ccf for over 15 Ccf 
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service (SCS-1): 
SSO Option: 
Monthly Customer Charge$23.25
Plus Distribution Rate$0.26997 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.20420 per Ccf for next 13,500 Ccf
$0.08753 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf 
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Monthly Customer Charge$23.25
Plus Distribution Rate$2.98923 for 1st 150 MMBtu
$2.26087 per MMBtu for next 1,350 MMBtu
$0.96923 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu 
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service—Off Peak (SCS-2): 
SSO Option: 
Distribution Rate$0.25177 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.13855 per Ccf for next 13,500 Ccf
$0.05940 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf 
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Plus Distribution Rate$2.47772 per MMBtu for 1st 150 MMBtu
$1.36365 per MMBtu for next 1,350 MMBtu
$0.58460 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu 
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Small Commercial Firm Sales Service – NGV (SCS-3): 
SSO Option: 
Monthly Customer Charge$17.25
Plus Distribution Rate$0.20044 per Ccf for 1st 1,500 Ccf
$0.15161 per Ccf for next 13,500 Ccf
$0.06500 per Ccf for over 15,000 Ccf 
Plus All Applicable Riders 

TSO Option:
Monthly Customer Charge$17.25
Plus Distribution Rate$1.97785 per MMBtu for 1st 150 MMBtu
$1.49593 per MMBtu for next 1,350 MMBtu
$0.64129 per MMBtu for over 1,500 MMBtu 
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88
Plus All Applicable Riders 

Large Commercial Firm Service (LCS-1): 
Monthly Customer Charge$504.75
Distribution Demand Charge$14.55599 per MMBtu of CD up to 400 MMBtu of CD
$2.24906 per MMBtu of CD over 400 MMBtu of CD 
Contract Administration Fee (TSO)$344.88 per month
Plus All Applicable Riders 
Unmetered Gas Light Firm Sales Service (GL-1):
To be charged in accordance with rate schedule otherwise applicable


The Company has proposed changes to other rates, schedules, fees and charges as well.  The rates of these and other customer classes or services may be affected by the final order of the Commission.

Upon request, the Company will provide to any customer an estimate of the calculated average monthly dollar amount by which the proposed rates will change the customer’s gas utility bill.  The estimate will be based on the customer’s average consumption level, unless such consumption data is not reasonably ascertainable by the Company.  The calculated average monthly dollar amount will be provided to the customer subject to the following qualifications: (1) the calculated average is an estimate which may change depending upon the rates the Commission approves and the customer’s actual usage, and (2) the calculated average will be provided in only those cases where a customer’s proposed rate schedule is the same rate schedule under which the customer presently takes service.

The Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure provide procedures for interested persons to intervene as a party, make limited appearances, or submit public comments in writing or orally at the hearing.  The Commission has not yet established a procedural schedule or hearing dates for this matter.  Further information may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of the Commission or by viewing the Commission’s website.  The name, address, phone number and email address of the Secretary and the URL address of the Commission’s website are as follows:

Karen Shook, Secretary
Arkansas Public Service Commission
1000 Center Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
(501) 682-5782
Email address: [email protected]
APSC website address:






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