Jul 22, 2022
by Summit Utilities
Across the country, we’re seeing an increase in cost for all services, goods, and products – including the cost of natural gas and other energy sources. Despite the recent increase in cost, natural gas continues to be the most affordable way to heat your home, cook your food, dry your clothes, and keep shower temperatures warm and relaxing.
As a gas utility, we do not make a profit from the cost of the natural gas that’s delivered to you. This cost is a direct pass-through, you pay what we pay. In an effort to limit the impact of market fluctuations on our customers, we work hard to secure the lowest and most affordable gas prices we can.
What’s causing the rise in natural gas prices?
There are several elements that are affecting current US gas prices. The price of natural gas is determined by various market factors such as storage levels, natural gas production, imports, exports, weather, and supply and demand.
What does this mean for you as a customer?
In an effort to keep you informed and aware of the recent market activity, we’re sharing these key components to explain high costs and how, as your utility provider, we can provide support through payment programs or financial assistance offerings. As a result of higher commodity prices and increased demand, natural gas customers may see increases in their monthly utility bills. There are a number of different options available to help mitigate the impact of a higher bill. Summit Utilities is here to help. To learn more about payment options that are available to you, visit https://summitutilities.com/assistance-programs.
Need help with your natural gas bill?
If you are struggling to pay your natural gas bill, we have a variety of programs and tools that may be able to help. Click here to learn more.
Reference for comparative numbers and metrics regarding current energy prices: https://afdc.energy.gov/fuels/prices.html
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